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About Us

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good

Two Rivers Strong™ is a Non-Profit Organization that is dedicated to getting the Victims of the Two Rivers Arson Fires back into homes.  We are diligently raising money to help them rebuild their homes.  

All funds will be distributed to the All of the Victims.


Our Story

The Two Rivers Community was terrorized by a Serial Arsonist since May 12th, 2021, burning down 12 structures in the small rural area of Interior Alaska.  On August 27th, 2021 an arrest was finally made ending the terror.

Two Rivers Strong™ was created by Mac Lebeau as a T-Shirt design to raise money at a Benefit Horse Show hosted by the Alaska State Quarter Horse Association at the Tanana Valley State Fair.  Mac Lebeau made the initial donation of 50 t-shirts.  The t-shirts never made it to the horse show in time due to shipping delays.  Mac reached out to Barbie Howard the owner of the Two Rivers Outpost Café to place the shirts for sale there and began selling the shirts on his screen printing business' website  While Ginger McKee, who lost her home to an arson fire on July 3rd, 2021 is Mac's Mom, the proceeds will be divided amongst all the victims who lost their homes. 

Then Mac Lebeau was able to take some time away from his work and come to Two Rivers, Alaska with plans to help his Mom build their new home.  While he was in town the last 3 fires occurred and diverted his plans.  He immediately started helping in the investigation as much as possible and approaching local businesses for support.  

Two Rivers Strong™ quickly became a slogan to help lift and embrace the community and rise up from the ashes left behind from these arson fires.  Once we rebuild, which we will, and once we heal, which we will something good has to come from all of this and it is our hope that Two Rivers Strong™ will be that good.  While we don't know what that looks like at the moment, potentially we create a scholarship fund for Two Rivers students interested in learning the Trades.


Our goal is to help raise $1,050,000.  We estimate that we need $150,000 for the seven families displaced by these arson fires, and that is just to get them back into a home with some basic home furnishings.


The Two Rivers ARSON Fires

Our Board of Directors


Dennis Gonzales



Jori Clawson



Mac Lebeau


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